I saw an article pertaining to women commenting there is no good men in society.
Women said, man are chauvinistic, self centred, good for nothing..etc. dear, my female friend, Don't even expect your hubby to be the one who follow what you said, and what you want. If so, he is not a hubby but puppet.
Raise your voice over the trivial matter that will not bring a peaceful and compromise ambient.
If you still think there is a Perfect Man out there waiting for you, sorry la.. you better source it out at Museum but not here. Wake up lady. don't complaint but compromise!
Count down from the Leaving of current job post, it left 15 days to go..
About 8 months of memory in penang. This place has cast a prominent or remarkable scar in my heart. For me, it is a very ideal place for retiree but not for youngster. Here got sea, beach, mountain, garden, in all the scenery is nice..
One Excited news i get here is, plenty of penang folk are Millionaire, may be a majority of them are in Multi Millionaire category. This is the greatest shock i get in PENANG. Don't underestimate an uncle cycling at the road sides with short pant, most likely he could be one too!
Yesterday, after badminton games, on the way went back home, i turned on my radio, i heard a song Jay Chow _ Listen to Mama.
This song is recommended by one of my friend, 1 old friend! pretty old friend! He told me, he would like his kid to sing this song to him. Pretty nice rite?!
Haa haa.. but how could you expect your kid to sing an old song, perhaps another 10 years from now, to you? ha aha.. but it is kind of great wish, isn't it?
Friends, did you ever think that what you expect your kid to do on you? Score 100% in school exam? haa haa.. may be cook a meal for you? i don't know.. it is better to have an expectation than none... i think i like my kid to watch TV side by side with me will be the greatest pay cheque for me.
Can't stand for the lonely night, i decided to go out to take a breeze..
In the mid of driving, there is a druming sound from my stomach. Ooopss.. signal of hungry... OK. let me feed you up.. mm.. don't think i am going to take supper alone at 12midnight.. sound weird, right? ok.. let's give a ring to my sleepless friend-Khoo.. ha haa.. bingo.... he is free and just about to come out from house...
Just nice. i go and fetch him.. then.. we take a round on those red light zoning.. haa ha.. some of the pubs are so happening and some of the pretty gal ( i guess may be is a fe-male ) laze around at street. After that, eventually, we get our destination.. haa haa.. still back to MAMAk Stall..
Finish normal supper - nasi lemak and roti canai. .. we go to next door, - cyber cafe - Infinity.. There is a restless arena.. this is the first time i step in this arena. For Khoo, this is his gig to show me how good he is in the WarCraft.. ha ahaa..after take our number, we proceed to our respective war zone.. play and play.. game over and re-play.. until both of us tired, by the time, i don't know how many time that i have been "killed".. too bad .. it is a poor result for a beginner..
When we step out from the arena.. ooopss.. already 5am.. shit.. time fly without a single signal..now i know the tactis on playing this warcraft liao.. dun think i can be easily bullied in next round.Ok.. tat's all for today.. i will be back to revenge in one day.. dun run away by that time.. I WILL BE BACK..!!
We always take coin to reflect thing in Right or Wrong, Yes or No, because coin has only two sides, there is either head or tail. Do you ever think about dice? Coin has two faces and dice got 6.
Last time i used to tell people to see thing in Two Sides as Coin because most of the cases are related to either black or white. Today i learn a new philisophy from a friend of mine, why must be limited into two sides? will it be possible that more than two possibilities? Like Coin has 2 faces but Dice got 6.
This insight is like a thunder comes across my mind to change my previous entire CoIn Talk.. ! i change my previous stubborn perception on how i make judgement on certain thing. i start to realise that the possibility of 1 outcome may not be limited into either right or wrong and it could be more. It is completely another higher learning.
Be open mind! Think out of the box to see coin and dice!
Yesterday i received a call from a "Just-to-Say- Hi" female friend whom lost contact for almost more than a year plus. Let name her as Ms Cat.
At first, i saw a seemingly familar number appeared on my phone. Once i pick up and answer.. "Hello..Wei.. U still remember me?!", ..Wooii.. there is a gal voice woh..!Yee.. that is Ms Cat woh..Spontaneously, my 7th sense (one level higher than 6th sense) tell me "Watch out! Something wrong here!" i immediately with no single doubt responded, " Who are you? i don't know you!" My first response has definitely disappointed her.
Then, she told me how we met last time and some of our good old day... ooppss.. it make me getting more cautious, don't know what she want from me... as i remember i didn't owe her anything woh.. !! no even a single cent... then, i insist that i don't know her, "Sorry i can't recall who are you!" . Eventually, she gives up, "Never mind la, that's all la!" and hang up the phone without BYE BYE.. For me, it is rude without bye-bye..
It is rather too cruel to a gal, but what to do, my 7th Sense has alerted me in advance ma.even though she has nothing to harm me, i rather to believe my 7th sense..
When you are required to make a decision to determine somebody Future, what will you feel?
Trembling is my answer.
Sometimes, decision need to be made, there is No right or Wrong answer. As long as the decision make is based on what is the best for him/her. then, i consider it is the good decision.
When thing needs to be done, Don't run away. There is no gap for you to escape. Do what you think is good for him/her, then it is a right decision. Take a deep breathe and move forward!
What if you have a baby now?
I caught a glimpse of a baby who sitting at the next table of mine during my lunch hour. The baby is rather cutie and at the age of about 2-4 years old, i am not really sure.. as i totally have no idea in guessing the age of a small kid.
Then, a funny question raise in my mind, "What if i have a baby now?"
It is pretty fun to have a kid to take care of. Do u ever notice that how funny is a small kid in the age of 1-3 years old? It is rather look stupid, naive, innocent, etc. Just show your contorted face already can scare the kid and immediately he/she will cry out loudly... Don't you think it is funny.. haa haa..! it makes me to think to have one kid !! haa haa..
A weird idea comes across my mind, " Can i have a baby but Not Wife?"

Last few days ago, there was a bombing case in the city of Hat Yai. Today once i read newspaper.. Holy Shit. Coup again in Thailand.... Dramatically, one comes after another.

Due to the expansion of new lane in the PLUS highway, some of the perimeter fencing are taken out as the construction work is in progress.
Unfortunately, most of the OPEN fencing area are welcoming wild animal to take a short cut to across the highway. I hope Government should be awake that, "Man, you do not have any overhead bridge for Animal, So don't open your fence freely."
Accident happened on one of my friend's sister. As she bang her CAR to a Stupid COW whom doesn't know how to cross the road...!! ,It is imperative to barricade this jungle/ estate zoning as to prevent unneccesary fatality accident.
"Bang My Car, Kill Your Cow; You lose money, I lost life!"..! Do Something..NOW!!! complaint has to be made to UEM as they are main contractor for the contract, i guess...
Ooppss.. i couldn't find a better word to describe it and definitely i thumb up for this link. http://mumsgather.blogspot.com/2004/11/five-love-languages.html
So what are the 5 Love Languages (LL)? They are:
Words of Affirmation (WOA) - saying- I love U, i miss u, etc.
Quality Time (QT) - spending time together regardless of doing what.
Receiving Gifts (RG) -present gift on any celebration or anniversary
Acts of Service (AOS) - cater/do smthg to others to express your concern.
Physical Touch (PT) - caressing each other, kissing, etc.
The above is all the Languages use to express your LOVE. In love, both must always talk in the same language. Communication break down is always a root cause of a family quarrel. Individuals have their respective ways of love expression through under different kind of Love Language (LL).
This is common as everyone has a different born character. Understanding and compromise are the BRIDGE or HUB to interconnect the two different kind of LL and translate it into other form which is readable by other. Let me elaborate more on "Bridge" erection.
To construct a bridge, it defintely need some time. TIME is a main concern. It also need to scrutinise the usage and design of the bridge, like how big, what is the aesthetic/ appearence of the bridge. Once u firm up the DESIGN, the next step is the IMPLEMENTATION. To execute the work by linking up the both sides with one rigid element so-called bridge.
TIME - This is for both to understand each other better, in term of charater, life style, etc. Design - It like life direction, what kind of goal and aim for a family. Implementation - During the process of execution, both are tuning their respective channel into the right frequency, Finally, when they can use one or more LL to communicate, then only there is so-called completion of BRIDGE.
I am pissed off with my friend attitude. i feel that sometimes, it is very difficult to talk or communicate with someone who has totally narrow minded. Why they can only open their eyes but not mind when listen to what people say.?
Taking every words so negatively will only worsen the situation. Cant you open your mind and look to the brighter side?
Coin has two faces, head and tail. So everything also has its good and bad sides.. sometimes, we cannot simply justify the thing right or wrong. Most of the cases it does not have the right answer.
So most important is No Regret if you have decided...
I meet this creature in one of the forum session during Penang property fair 2006.
Before that, i have heard about his name and read through one of his book..his topic is mainly talking about PROPERTY Investment. Yes.. his book is very interesting and it provides a guidance how to be succeed in property investment in MALAYSIA.
In fact, there are many books in Property Investment. I like his cause he is Malaysian Author and the content reflect sthe true picture in Malaysia Property situation. Of course, another Malaysian Property Writer -Renesial Leong, she is good also.
A.A. he is great cause he can able to analyse the scenario from A to Z in more systematic manner. Most of the points being mentioned are a general knowledge whereby sometimes we knew it but we have ignored.
i learned a lesson here is.. Prepare a Checklist for Property Investment. Understand the Flow, improve it from time to time...
One very good statement that knock on my head is,
"You want to be Good, you must know what are you doing.!"
I am back..! i still remember in "Terminator" movie, - well known phrase - "I will be back!" i like it as now i am back..!!
Last few days, my access to blogger is block. i can't find any reason why my access to blog is block even i have email to HELP, my call SOS seems has fallen into the deep blue sea.. i also try to get assistance from those IT fellow friends who claim to be Expert but also failed... haa ha.. i dun blame them.. cause they are too far away (360km apart) to give their helping hand.
After i get tulan... i slowly think back what i have done to cause this problem..mmm... may be recent downloaded software.. ok.. let me uninstall all newly downloaded software. For the resurrection of my blog, i have decidede to sacrifice everything.. haa haa.. Eventually, it is proven .."GOD got EYE" .. i am revived.
Now I am BAcK..
Since begin of 2006, i have set a new year resolution for myself for what is going to be achieved in the year of 2006.
When i carried out my third quarter review on the progress, i realise that most of the mission has yet to be achieved, but it doesn't affect me much. Mission failed is because i do not score 100% at this moment, but don't forget i still have time.. last quarter , last 3 months. let's wait and see..
I can feel that the desire of achievement has generated a thrust for me. i hope i can accomplish majority of the 2006 resolution by end of the year.
See ya by then..
Someone throw me a question today,
"Do you ever think that how much you can earn in the age of 38?"
Kind of funny question that i never think of it before. It is another decade for me to plan and forecast where will i be and what is the achievement or aim throughout this period.
How i want to cast myself.. for sure.. i don't want to be a slave for money and everyday think of working and earn Money., Money , Money... i hope at that age i will not tie up anything with Money like earning 10k , 15k or 20k per month..
i believe Earning Figure is not important at that age anymore. i would rather to adjust my life to get the balance, in term of family, friends, etc.
In all, why must we work so hard to be a slave of money? shall we get balance up our life, like spend some time or money to travel or do whatsoever we want to do. i sincerely urge those to release yourself from the devil of dollar.
On last week, i received a brochure from a banker regarding to the loan package. After scrutinised and made a comparison on the few packages, i have decided to pick up one of them which is most suitable to my current need.
Come to my surprise that today i receive a call from that banker told me that the previous brochure is only valid for property above RM100k,
"Oh.. sorry, i have wrongly fax the brochure to you on last week. Now, i gonna fax you the right one."
then, she re-faxed me a new brochure for property below RM100k. Once i look at it, holy shit. there is so much different.. opposs.. my god.. it spoilt my entire plan again.. so now need to source out a better one from other banks again...
My dear, banker friend, please don't do this kind of mistakes again.. it is kind of upsetting news for me..sure i am going to kick you if you do it again.. no excuse this time..Always remember SORRY no CURE!
Yesterday my boss was so mad about the poor performance of the subcontractor, it made him to call for a 5pm meeting on today Saturday. Actually, i was planned to go somewhere else on this weekend. I forced to cancel this trip due to this late evening meeting.
Friend, do u know how wasted is this weekend to me? one year only got 52 Saturday. What is the difference to have the meeting on friday or monday? Why must be Saturday? u know how enjoy is the 5 days job for me.. How do u measure the productivity on saturday.? i tell to all bosses here.. Don't dream la.. Nobody wan to work on Saturday, while some other may having their shopping or vacation on somwhere else..
let's protest to 6 days job.. WE WANT 5 DAYS WORK!!!WE WANT 5 DAYS WORK!!!WE WANT 5 DAYS WORK!!!WE WANT 5 DAYS WORK!!!
Nowadays, Renewal Passport or New application of Passport have never been so convenient.
A friend of mine, Ms R, rouse a funny question to me.
*Why we need a reason to do things?*
Don't constraint yourself from doing things that you wanted to do when you can't find a reason for it. When thing comes so naturely from your mind, No Reason is already a good reason for you to execute it,
If you insist want to have a reason for everything, then, i have a question,
*Why we never need a reason NOT to do things.?*
How to cure a long coughing? an old folk said, "bird nest + pao sam + ice sugar" can cure it... yet to verify the effectiveness of this traditional chinese herbal. But no harm to try also, if it really can help.
Quoted from http://chinesefood.about.com/library/bltrivia33.htm
"Authentic bird's nest soup is made using the nests of the swiftlet, a tiny bird found throughout southeast Asia. The swiftlet lives in dark caves, using a method of echolocation similar to the bat to get around. Instead of twigs and straw, the swiftlet makes its nest from strands of its own gummy saliva, which hardens when exposed to air. Humans who harvest the swiftlet nests often come from families that have made their living this way for generations. Prying the nests from the cave walls is extremely dangerous, and many harvesters die each year."