Everyone is looking for a better job...
Shall we looking for better career instead of better pay job.? what is the bench mark to measure it?
Is better job refer as a better pay job? some of my friends are so keen to work in oversea where its currency is higher. In other words, they wish to double or quadruple their income through the differentiate currency rate but does it really work that way..?
Most of the time,people evaluate the job through the figure they gain at the end of month but did they look into what they really need in their life instead of only money. Family, friends, community, etc, have been over looked, this is also being part of life.
What is the meaning of life if you have the whole world but no one to share your joy.. There are many factors to be consider before take a move.. not being selfish to think of yourselves but also your surrounding.
Think yourself. You are the one who decide for yourself but not others.
Queue up is always a good disciplinary model.
There are very common you see people queue up outside restaurant, waiting for their seats. Especially if the restaurant has some salivating cuisine.Long queue can be seen during holiday or weekend on this family day session.
But do you ever see people queuing outside apparel outlet? i found one.. this is not a Promotion Period or and Special Sales..Are those people out of sane?
Ooopss... Just because it is LOUIS VUITTON? walauyeh.. LV .. branded.. but need you queue up and wait. For me, i wont queue.. but i don't know you.Hey.. got a person to open the glass door for you.. some more in a Coat..! LV branded ma.. what to do. if it happen in other brand, i think close door is just a matter of time.