World Is Small

I found World is damn small!

Recently only i found out that an old friend of mine in KL, really old friend whom i knew her about 15 years since Secondary school time and the other 1 new friend who is staying in Penang, there are actually know each other.. there are "Friend!" This new friend is my colleague.

No wonder, my old friend told me that she got a spy over my place here.. at first i thought she is joking only.. but recently, very surprise that most of the time she seems know what i did in Penang.

That's why people said, 天網恢恢﹐疏而不漏! .. in short , no way to escape..!

如要人不知﹐除非己沒為! luckily i didn't talk about any bad thing about her (KL).. haa haa.. if not, when die at the road side also nobody know what's going on!!

Rachel & Sue - i remember u 2!!!

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  1. Survivor said...

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