Volcano Explosion..!!! sorry i can not hold my anger while i read the following link..
Three rapist raped a chinese lady 19 years old and slashed her boy friend twice. What kind of world!! Malaysia Boleh?! Where are those polices?? hiding away from crime if so, they gain no respect from public.
Read the links which tell more detail,
We , readers, need more of detail of what is happening. We don't want media to hide all the truth. Report it BIG and make it BIG over the newspaper. Otherwise, we hardly see those relevant parties take action to find crap culprits.
Don't tell others to come and invest in our country if we cannot resolve the basic security issue in homeland. What if you can make a million here, but risk your life and family being under such rampant criminal zone?
Furthermore, Please don't wait until the report come out to headline then only take action! be proactive! shall we call off the pay rise in POLICE if no improvement ?! shall we?!
This is really heart sickening news. F**King culprit!.. those culprit shall sentence to hang till death and not jail!
Great disappointed with this kind of crime as WHERE IS OUR POLICE? having coffee??
Crime cases dropping as reported previously? i am skeptical on the report. Really skeptical! i trust what i see but not figure!