At the Peninsular Malaysia, take a trip to head up to northern corner of Malaysia will be a exciting trip. You can choose to ride at the beaches, trunk road or highway. A pre survey is required to mark and identify the destination to be visited. It comprises different kind of taste such as City tour, as you may pass by Capital of every state to see the development and growth of every town. Every capitals have its famour food to pick.
Alternative route is to take the beaches or rural village. You can see people riding Kap Chai - Small Motorbike without helmet.. see those passionate villages to welcome you and mixing around without discrimination of races.
my dear is having her trip heading north now. I was so jealous as i have been tighted up with job and can't release myself to participate on this northern trip.
She keep telling me where she is and having those nice food.. E.g. Tambun Seafood, Penang famour food heaven..etc. I do hope i have wing to fly there to join her now.. God gives me wing now..
Can I say, a Women who doesn't know Dior is not a Women?
Believe that Women will not feel strange with the international brand "Dior" which selling mainly feminine fragrances, skincare and cosmetics.
So happen, Dior is having its Annual Sale nearby my office..I was thinking that no harm to take a look to hunt for some value buy for my love..
This is 2 days Annual Sale. First day, it starts on 12 noon.. don't feel like to lose out this opportunity i take an early lunch to leave office at 11.30am as my mum always said, "Early Bird catches the worm."
The sale outlet is at 14th floor, once my lift door open at that floor. I was shock that so many early BIRDS already queuing up. The lift lobby is flooded with WOMEN...All WOMEN.... Terrible.. !! Then, my senior advised me - "Lady first."
so I decided to leave for my lunch and plan to be back afterward....Once i am back again at 12.45pm... OMG... All WOMEN again......
Door is shut to control the inflow of customers and WOMEN are patiently waiting for their turn to grab their lovely items.
Crazy Dior... Leave the Women with this crazy sale..
Suddenly, my colleague (a guy) complaint with slightly louder voice than normal. "Crazy stuff, Free one i also won't queue up like this." Immediately, all women turn back and fierecely look at us..
OMG.. We run immediately before get caught..
"Admit your mistakes is smart, admit the mistake when you are not wrong is wisdom."
This is the strategy to be applied when you are together with a female....! Guy, what say you?
Who He is??"UiTM Vice-Chancellor Prof Datuk Seri Dr Ibrahim Abu Shah"
0 comments Posted by Vince at 12:58 PM"UiTM Vice-Chancellor Prof Datuk Seri Dr Ibrahim Abu Shah"
I am very upset that UiTM is being leaded by such a narrow minded "Vice- Chancellor".. How come a Vice - Chancellor is driving a reversed direction instead of looking forward to globalise the education industry.
Do you see Cambridge University, or any well known University in the world which have long and proven history to block other racers to join them? There always welcome an excel talents to join them to maintain a competitive study environment.
My honourable "UiTM Vice-Chancellor Prof Datuk Seri Dr Ibrahim Abu Shah", please scrutinise the situation that Malaysia (Local) University actually is not well recognised in the world. A change is required to bring us move forward. Unless he want to keep the door close and maintain to be out of the top list. Please continue your "effort" of being discrimination. Let's next generation of Malaysian evaluate your today vocal.
Hopefully the next gen will not be extincted by your today move.
Permatang Pauh by-election campaign kicked off .. People Mountain, People Sea...
Pakatan Kerajaan Rakyat (PKR)
Barisan National (BN)
It is so crowded...Cause traffic jam..
Ten of thousand people are attending for this by election campaign...
Do you get a very serious message here? The unemployment rate is sky high in Malaysia. People can go down to street on a working weekday..this is not hundred but ten of thousand people.
Let say respective party pays compensation to everyone for participation. Then, where is this money come from? Eventually Tax payer again..
Too bad that it always happen here and people are over passionate to see the crowded scene. Maybe this is not most people want. Politic Instability...People are tiring to see this kind of chaotic situation..
Many articles, newspaper, online news, blogs and other sources are speculating about the MB statement of suggesting non bumi intake at UiTM. This suggestion has created a waves of protest from bumi, either student, politician and etc. The motive is to prevent non bumi enter their campus and preserve their right for BUMI.
Why so afraid to get others to join? What are they trying to hide from Public? Cooking Bak#teh? Don’t you think a competitive environment can help to have a better achievement? or you are admitted that you are too weak to come out from BUMI roof?
After almost 51 years of independence, why many still being racial and deny to be Malaysian instead of Malay, Cina, Indian and etc? This is the failure of Education system. Child, kids and students must be educated and nurtured since young. Implant them to being compromise and understand the beauty of multiracial country.
We must mutually understand other cultures and be open minded to accept all races in this country. High learning institution is supposedly a key to open the knowledge gate of everyone. But UiTM management has misused the Key, protest on street is one of the prove.
Hey, my comrade, you are not closing down the UiTM door to prevent invasion, in fact, you are shutting down your own door to procrastinate your forward. You want to be the first in the group of dumber or the last among the best? it is up to you and why must you think that you can't compete with others and be the top in the best? No confidence?! Think yourself. don't always seek for bumi right and abuse it.
I have only 1 question to raise, Who want to join this UiTM? I tell you there is no one interested to join this campus. When something is precious to you doesn't mean it carries the same value in other people eye.
Think Twice! Don't let some seditious speech to cover your intelligence.
Are you looking for a girl friend who is as tame as a sheep? This is never happen, cause human is a human, especial female. They are never be a sheep. Most of the lady are fiery and emotional. The greatest success of a man is to tame the female and control its wildness.

Did you ever feel lost in your life?
Lost is a vague feeling, It is a mind wandering condition. Mind afloat in nowhere. This is not boozy. It felt so insecure. Human always feel secure of being “tighted”/ committed with something in life.
When it is free floated, don’t let the feeling of insecure mandate the atmosphere. Sense the feeling of lost. Don’t be afraid. Enjoy the moment...
Can you feel what I said?
But you got to make sure that you can embark after a certain period, otherwise, you will be wandering out to the galaxy and will never return again.