Can I say, a Women who doesn't know Dior is not a Women?
Believe that Women will not feel strange with the international brand "Dior" which selling mainly feminine fragrances, skincare and cosmetics.
So happen, Dior is having its Annual Sale nearby my office..I was thinking that no harm to take a look to hunt for some value buy for my love..
This is 2 days Annual Sale. First day, it starts on 12 noon.. don't feel like to lose out this opportunity i take an early lunch to leave office at 11.30am as my mum always said, "Early Bird catches the worm."
The sale outlet is at 14th floor, once my lift door open at that floor. I was shock that so many early BIRDS already queuing up. The lift lobby is flooded with WOMEN...All WOMEN.... Terrible.. !! Then, my senior advised me - "Lady first."
so I decided to leave for my lunch and plan to be back afterward....Once i am back again at 12.45pm... OMG... All WOMEN again......
Door is shut to control the inflow of customers and WOMEN are patiently waiting for their turn to grab their lovely items.
Crazy Dior... Leave the Women with this crazy sale..
Suddenly, my colleague (a guy) complaint with slightly louder voice than normal. "Crazy stuff, Free one i also won't queue up like this." Immediately, all women turn back and fierecely look at us..
OMG.. We run immediately before get caught..