UiTM Move

Many articles, newspaper, online news, blogs and other sources are speculating about the MB statement of suggesting non bumi intake at UiTM. This suggestion has created a waves of protest from bumi, either student, politician and etc. The motive is to prevent non bumi enter their campus and preserve their right for BUMI.
Why so afraid to get others to join? What are they trying to hide from Public? Cooking Bak#teh? Don’t you think a competitive environment can help to have a better achievement? or you are admitted that you are too weak to come out from BUMI roof?

After almost 51 years of independence, why many still being racial and deny to be Malaysian instead of Malay, Cina, Indian and etc? This is the failure of Education system. Child, kids and students must be educated and nurtured since young. Implant them to being compromise and understand the beauty of multiracial country.

We must mutually understand other cultures and be open minded to accept all races in this country. High learning institution is supposedly a key to open the knowledge gate of everyone. But UiTM management has misused the Key, protest on street is one of the prove.

Hey, my comrade, you are not closing down the UiTM door to prevent invasion, in fact, you are shutting down your own door to procrastinate your forward. You want to be the first in the group of dumber or the last among the best? it is up to you and why must you think that you can't compete with others and be the top in the best? No confidence?! Think yourself. don't always seek for bumi right and abuse it.

I have only 1 question to raise, Who want to join this UiTM? I tell you there is no one interested to join this campus. When something is precious to you doesn't mean it carries the same value in other people eye.

Think Twice! Don't let some seditious speech to cover your intelligence.


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